Latest Episodes
25: First Letter To God(Emilie Christman)
This is a reading by Emilie Christman of a letter she wrote to God based on her life experience.
24: Study Of Spirit, Peace
This is one episode(the first recorded) in a series of teachings and bible study about "How to be more like Christ through the fruit...
23: The Declaration Of Independence
I read the United States Declaration Of Independence and compare the tyranny then to tyranny now. I highlight our duty to abolish a tyrranical...
22: Marc Nelson(Part 2)
Marc and I dive into a wide variety of controversial issues that have no place being controversial when we lean on what our founders...
21: Round Table Groupcast 1
In todays podcast, a group of us shares perspectives with each other seeking solutions on a variety of topics including legislating ourselves into a...
20: Marc Nelson(Part 1)
Marc Nelson is a man who was born and raised in Africa. He served in a support unit in the Rhodesian military. Rhodesia is...