Marc Nelson is a man who was born and raised in Africa. He served in a support unit in the Rhodesian military. Rhodesia is now known as the Republic of Zimbabwe. He had a Near Death Experience as his body experienced sepsis, covid, pneumonia, and the shutting down of his organs, among other symptoms. Doctors said he died 3 times. Marc has great insight from his life experience. He remains alive to sort out a spiritual gifting he received over the course of these medical issues.
In this podcast, we talk a bit about a lot. The Fruit Of The Spirit, overcoming continuous abuse, her cancer journey, what it was...
In this episode, Shaundra and I share stories and talk a bit about religion, belief, and altered states of consciousness. Future episodes with Shaundra...
I read the United States Declaration Of Independence and compare the tyranny then to tyranny now. I highlight our duty to abolish a tyrranical...