JT Schulze is priveleged to be involved in ministry for over 30 years. His journey has led him and his wife Rachel to take passionate steps of faith in leaving their Kentucky home, family and friends to plant “Starting Point Church” in Prescott, Arizona.
This episode covers a condensed version of a series JT shared with his congregation. It's called "The Fundamental List", and its purpose is to really trim all unnecesarry fat on what it means to be a true follower of Christ. There are many different 'denominations' or versions of Christianity... but what do all of them have at their core? What are the most crucial parts? How can we be sure that we are doing it "right"? Today's episode dives into just that.
JT’s pastoral ministry has taken him to California, Oregon and Kentucky working as a Youth Pastor, Northern Kentucky Area Director of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Outreach Pastor. His starting point happened on January 18, 1976, when he said yes to Jesus.
JT grew in his new relationship with Jesus and realized he wanted to give his life to the two things that last forever, God’s Word and people. Wanting to be better equipped for ministry, he attended Multnomah University, majored in Bible and minored in youth ministry. Jt enjoys the journey of teaching the Bible and investing in wonderful friends. He loves the outdoors, and every sort of sport, especially with racquet in hand. He also loves reading and hanging out with his wife Rachel.
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